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Our mission at CLEAR2O is to create water filtration products that deliver the cleanest, purest water possible. Although we love what we do, we often wish we didn’t have to do it. Imagine a world in which all the water supplies were totally contaminant-free. We’d have to find another profession, but somehow, we’d manage.

Unfortunately, the reality is that unsafe water – especially for drinking – lurks in far too many places. Some of the instances are more conspicuous, and more egregious, than others. There are few people who don’t remember the fiasco in Flint, MI, where in 2014, cost-cutting measures led to tainted drinking water that contained lead and other toxins. That disaster resulted from a perfect storm of negative factors: overall mismanagement by the state of Michigan; a failure to treat the water with an anti-corrosive agent, in violation of federal law; and dangerous, aging infrastructure (about half of the service lines to homes in Flint are made of lead, which began leaching into the water supply).

More recently, we’ve seen the situation in Newark, whose water troubles took center stage as the city began a large-scale distribution of bottled water to protect its residents from lead contamination. Shakima Thomas, a Newark resident, stated in an NPR interview last month that her home had lead levels of 76.2 parts per billion based on water tests that the city performed in February 2019. The legal limit is 15 parts per billion. (Keep in mind, despite the legal limit, there is no safe level of lead in drinking water – period.)

Both the Flint and Newark crises are extreme examples of the issues many of our U.S. cities have experienced with their water supply. While not as dramatic as these, scientists tell us that the instances of unsafe tap water are more widespread than we think.


That type of news is concerning enough. But now comes word that a vast majority of the unsafe tap water is found in cities and towns where the contaminants actually meet legal standards. An article, which recently appeared on the Fox News website, ran under the headline, “More than 100,000 cancer cases could be caused by contaminants in tap water, study finds.” The most troubling part of the article was this quote:

“The vast majority of community water systems meet legal standards,” said Olga Naidenko, Ph.D., EWG’s vice president for science investigations, in a press release. “Yet the latest research shows that contaminants present in the water at those concentrations – perfectly legal – can still harm human health.”

The article went on to explain that “a toxic cocktail of chemicals found in U.S. drinking water could be the cause of more than 100,000 cases of cancer, a new study by the nonprofit Environmental Working Group (EWG) found.”

The study, published in the research journal Heliyon, conducted an assessment of 22 carcinogenic contaminants which meet national drinking water standards. According to the results of the of study and found that most of the health risk is due to “arsenic, disinfection byproducts and radioactive contaminants. Overall, tap water exposure to the carcinogens studied leads to 105,887 cases of cancer in the U.S. over a statistical lifetime, or 70 years.”

So, what is the takeaway from all this? That we should be afraid to drink our tap water? That state and local governments aren’t equipped to provide even the most basic of services – clean, pure water free of cancer-causing agents?

The more pessimistic among us would answer with a resounding “yes.” However, we prefer to point to a single sentence within the article that can be easily overlooked:

“Luckily, use of a water filter decreases the risk of exposure to these contaminants.”

So, despite the often crumbling water-delivery infrastructure found in many cities, as well as water that meets legal standards of purity but is far from pure, the simple addition of a water filter can remove significant numbers of these contaminants and generate water that greatly reduces health hazards of all kinds – not just cancer.

At CLEAR2O, we offer a wide range of filtration products to suit your needs. Whether it’s water pitchers, pet and garden filters, or filters for your RV, we can provide you with a cost-effective, convenient solution to all kids of water issues – from the most egregious to the ones that often sail under the radar.

Don’t wait until your city or town becomes the next Flint or Newark. Start filtering your water now. Because when it comes to the contaminants in your water, you’ve got a lot to lose. And we can help you lose it.


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